As people get older, there is a real risk of falling over or tripping up more. You can start to remove trip hazards, install banisters and other safety rails and handles, and make other adjustments to ensure that there is a little chance of it happening as possible. Why do you need to put these practices in place, and why are elderly people more prone to falling? It turns out there are several reasons.
This piece will explore some of the factors that can influence the causes of falls in the elderly so you can put into action some ways of preventing them.
A Decline in Physical Fitness
It can be much more difficult to get fit and keep fit as you get older. Our muscle mass declines naturally every decade, which can significantly affect us in our older age.
We can also find it more difficult to move around lithely or be strong enough to catch ourselves if we do go on trip. This means that older people are more prone to having falls.
To prevent this from being one of the reasons that could fall over more, be sure to work on your physical fitness. Your routine should include focused cardiovascular exercises such as walking, cycling, or dancing, and you should also incorporate weightlifting into the mix too to keep your muscle mass high and prevent decline.
Medication Side Effects
As you get older, the more likely you are to be on medication for something or other. This is because the body stops working as proficiently as it does when young and spritely, and older people also tend to stop moving around as much. It is no secret that medication comes with an array of side effects, and some people do get unlucky with the ones that catch on. Side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and low blood pressure can all contribute to the risk of falling, and many different medications list these as a common side effects.
If you or your loved one are on medication, it is worth checking for side effects if they are prone to falling and see if there is anything that can be done to reduce these side effects to keep them safe. Sometimes it is just a case of adding in provisions such as walking aids or banisters to help them keep their balance if the medication cannot be replaced or altered. There is also technology in place in care homes that offer fall detection, which can help those who need that level of care.
Poor Vision
Poor vision among the elderly is not uncommon by any stretch, and many conditions can cause this, along with just standard age-related macular degeneration.
You cannot prevent your eyesight from deteriorating if that is on the genetic cards for you, but there are some steps you can take to help keep your eyesight in good shape, especially from certain conditions such as diabetes. Eat well, reduce your use of computer screens, and make sure to go for regular eye tests.