Opportunity Lives

The Importance of Marriage and Family in Societies Around the World


Family is one of the most important entities in human society. It is the institution by which people maintain their relationships with one another and the society. As a social unit, the family is considered as the primary institution of primary association, and is often considered as the main mechanism of primary socialization for all humans. A family is a group of individuals who live under one roof, usually following a tradition or family tradition. In most societies, the members of the family traditionally played the roles of parents, husbands, wife, and children. This structure gave birth to a set of norms and values that are passed down from generation to generation, forming the foundation of the values and norms that most modern people follow today.

A family constitutes individuals sharing different reproductive and caregiver capacities. Parenthood is the capacity of parents to nourish, educate, secure and safe-keep their young. Children exist for the sake of the parents, forming the fabric of their future. Children exist for the fulfillment of parents’ desires, goals and dreams. Parents are the intimate relationships with their children. The intimate relationships forged between spouses constitute a family.

The institution of marriage has been the basis of the family since its origin, with the passage of time, however, divorce and remarriage have become common in many households. Although most of the parents were married when they got married, some divorced parents remarry. Sometimes, adult children of divorced parents move away to another city, town or state, resulting in the formation of “orphaned families” in which there is no biological connection to the parents. This situation can be attributed to the changing lifestyles of adult children after the formation of their own families.

When the parents of contemporary society separated, they had no children of their own to keep them together and consequently, the institution of marriage became a thing of the past. Marriages were arranged by family elders who made decisions based on their own familial interest. Adultery and other extramarital sexual practices increased due to social acceptance of extramarital sex and the lack of traditional family values. Consequently, the institution of marriage became obsolete along with the dissolution of the traditional family.

With the decline in the institution of marriage, children were left alone to establish their own families and their own lives. These children found it difficult to live with two parents who were no longer around to guide them and make decisions for them in their lives. Children of divorced parents and single parents have an increased risk of poor health and low educational levels.

Marriage and family play an important role in the upbringing of the young people, but this does not mean that these two aspects can’t get married and stay together. If you want to stay together, then it is important for both the adults to commit to the marriage. Many countries have recognized traditional marriage and family values. It is possible to get married and stay together in many countries, despite the pressures of modern life and the need to adapt to changing lifestyles.

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