Opportunity Lives

The 5 Easiest Ways to Stay Fashionably Sun Safe This Summer


Are you ready for safe, summer fun?

We all know that summer is a time to enjoy lots of time outdoors. It’s that time of the year when you can embrace your patio, pool deck, a bonfire, or even the beach. 

Staying in the sun during this time of the year is a healthy way to get essential vitamin D, a nutrient that fosters the development of healthy bones. As much fun and enjoyment as this can bring, it’s important to be aware that prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays is harmful for your skin. 

The sun, according to the World Health Organization, can cause severe damage on your skin. The WHO report links 90% of visible changes that occur during aging to prolonged sun exposure. 

Lack of sun protection leaves you at risk of developing skin cancer, cataracts, wrinkles, melanoma, heat blisters, skin peeling, and rashes. Therefore, you need to stay safe outdoors, even on cloudy days. 

With sunscreen as the first line of defense against the harmful effects of UV rays, here’re tips to help you get a summer skin glow while staying fashionably sun safe this summer:

5 Ways to Protect Your Skin this Summer While Looking Fashionable as Ever 

  1. Wear Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen 

Wear high SPF sunscreen and use it in the correct way.

All skin types (dark or light) are susceptible to skin cancer. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, wear sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to block 97% of the sun rays that hit your skin.

Check the label on your sunscreen to ensure it’s rated at least SPF 30 and offers protection against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) sun rays. Make sure the label indicates that your sunscreen cream is UVA high and broad-spectrum for optimal results.

A water-resistant sunscreen is ideal for swimming. Apply your sunscreen in the morning or about 30 minutes before leaving the house, even if it’s cloudy. Reapply your sunscreen every 30 minutes to 2 hours to keep your skin protected.

Opt for a dry sunscreen (also known as brush-on sunscreen) if you wear makeup for easy reapplication every couple of hours. It’s effective and creates a physical layer over your makeup for sun protection. 

  1. Stay Out of the Sun during Peak Times or Cover Up

Avoid staying out in the sun during peak times, usually from 10am to 4pm, when the sun is strongest and thus can cause the most damage. 

If you must be outdoors within this period, apply SPF 30 sunscreen and cover up to reduce skin exposure to the harmful sun rays. Cover up and take breaks off your activities to relax under a shade, keeping your skin off direct sunlight.

A beach umbrella offers shade outdoors by a pool or at the beach to keep you cool and safe (look out for 98% UV protection). 

Wear long sleeves when hiking or working outside in your yard. Light SPF-protection shirts with sweat-wicking properties are ideal for staying out in the sun and still keeping cool.

When you’re out and about in summer, you can still stay sun safe without sacrificing your sense of fashion.

  1. Accessorize for Sun Protection 

Various on-trend fashion accessories that don’t go out of style can protect you from harmful sunrays while still exuding the fashion-statement and look you want.

  • Wear a stylish pair of sunglasses for UV protection (good quality glasses block 99% to 100% UVA/UVB rays). Sun exposure to the eyes, according to ophthalmologists, puts you at a risk of eye related diseases such as eye cancer and cataracts.
  • A big floppy sun hat is chic and stylish yet practical and functional. It shades your eyes from sun damage, including your neck, ears and scalp. Wear your wide brimmed sun hat to the beach for a chic look while protecting your skin and eyes from the sun.

Apart from protecting your eyes and face from sun exposure, a big floppy hat also covers your hair for protection against split ends, discoloration, frizz, and thinning. 

  1. Wear Protective Clothing

UPF clothing offer extra sun protection in summer.

  • A beach tunic is flexible and stylish as beach wear. Choose tunics made from fabrics rated at least SPF 30 for UVA/UVB protection all day long. If you’re planning for a dinner out right from the beach, a white tunic would be an easy way to transition. 
  • UV50+ embroidered tunic dresses look and feel great. Classic UV-protected shirts or t-shirts are a subtle way to stay safe in the sun. Opt for stylish designs and fun colors for sun safe and fashionable wear. 
  • Bring a stylish kaftan to the beach to wear over your swimsuit when neither swimming nor in the water. It’s a perfect way to get a luxurious glam look.
  • Wear sun safe Capri pants while sailing, hiking or gardening. 
  • A sun Sarong is a versatile way to match your wide brimmed hat and UV-protected swim shirt for a stylish yet sun safe day at the beach.
  • Add UPF 30+ Sun Guard to your laundry. It adds sun protection to your everyday summer clothes, hence handy if you don’t have extra money to spend on UV-protection clothing. 
  1. Use UV-Protected Skin Products

Redefine your daily skin care regimen with sun safe products for protection against extended exposure to UV rays. Many skin care brands manufacture SPF-infused makeup such as foundations, primers and bronzers. 

  • Use fake tan foams, creams, gels, and lotions with built-in SPF protection. 
  • Spray tans give lasting glows, making them safer than staying in the sun to get a skin tan. Quality fake tan lotions or sprays with a high sun protection factor give a perfect summery glow. They eliminate the need to stay longer in the sun. 
  • SPF 30+ rated lip balms, mineral powders, setting sprays, moisturizers are also great options for sun safe protection. 


Limit hot showers, moisturize your skin and drink water to stay hydrated for added sun protection. You can enjoy your outdoor adventures without exposing your skin to UV rays. Staying healthy is all about how smart you enjoy your time for a sun safe and fun summer.

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