If you’re a man and you suffer from urinary incontinence, you may feel alone. You may feel ashamed. You may feel defeated.
The fact is, though, that many men in the United States suffer from urinary incontinence. While the condition is less prevalent in men than women, 3% to 11% of men struggle with it, according to an article posted in Reviews in Urology.
Nearly a third of all people in the U.S. suffer from UI, which equates to literally millions of people. Those suffering from overactive bladder total roughly 33 million Americans, according to the Urology Care Foundation.
Approximately 17 million U.S. adults suffer from daily UI. And what’s more, 20% of adults over 40 suffer from overactive bladder (source).
Despite these eye-popping statistics, not enough men are talking about urinary incontinence, and that needs to change. If you’re suffering from UI, it’s time to speak up and do something about it.
Remove the Taboo
It’s only natural that men may embarrassed if they suffer from UI. It can be embarrassing if you are forced to deal with the condition. Men are very prideful, and losing control can make some feel like less of a man.
But, UI is not an uncommon condition, as stated above. It’s not something any person — male or female — should be ashamed of. It is simply a medical condition that needs to be tended to.
The first thing men who suffer from UI need to do is to remove the taboo and embrace the condition. This will allow them to admit they are having a problem, and talk about it with a doctor. Once a doctor knows about the issues, they can begin to help you treat and live with it.
Talk About It
People close to you who aren’t aware that you’re suffering from UI may notice changes in your daily habits. They may see you going to the bathroom more, acting “off” or not being willing to venture outside your house.
If you talk with them about your UI with those closest to you, they’ll not only be able to understand what’s going on, they can help support you in your journey.
UI doesn’t have to negatively impact your lifestyle forever. If you talk about it with those you’re closest to and spend the most time with, they can help you adjust in a healthy way that can still keep you enjoying your life.
Of course, the most important person to talk with your UI issues with is your primary care doctor. Your medical care with UI will begin with your physician, and he or she will help direct you to any specialists who can provide you advanced care should you need it.
Do Something About It
There is plenty of hope for men who are suffering from UI. Not only are there natural treatments as well as medication for UI, there are also plenty of products available to help you manage the symptoms.
Of course, before you purchase any products or proceed with any treatments, speak with your doctor. They should be the ones who should help guide you through dealing with your UI.
The least invasive treatments for UI include engaging in more physical exercise. Specifically, you may want to consider kegel exercises that can strengthen your pelvic floor. This will help strengthen the area around your bladder and could potentially help fix some of your symptoms.
If you’re obese or overweight, losing weight and eating healthier could certainly help as well.
To treat some of the symptoms, many men use absorbent products. These help deal with the fact that many men with UI experience urine leakage that can’t control. These products, such as absorbent pads and even reusable and washable incontinence briefs, are available over the counter in many stores.
There are even products and devices that can collect and then hold urine. These medical devices help men manage their urinary retention — where your bladder won’t completely empty — and UI as well.
For more serious cases may require more invasive interventions. Again, your doctor will help advise you on what the best path of treatment is.
These more advanced treatments could include electrical nerve stimulation. It’s a non-surgical procedure that will help strengthen the region of your body. There are also surgical procedures that could help restore the urinary system’s function if you have a serious case.
And, of course, there are also medications that can help you deal with UI on a consistent basis.
Live Your Life to the Fullest
It’s understandable that men are embarrassed, ashamed and hesitant to talk about urinary incontinence. But, UI doesn’t have to be taboo.
You can still live your life the fullest if you embrace your condition and talk about with your doctor and your closest loved ones. It all starts with communication.
Your doctor can help you get started on a plan to treat your UI, and those closest to you can help support you along the way.
Bio: Anna Williams is a former aged care worker who now enjoys a slower paced life writing for Zorbies, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and hiking local trails on weekends with her 2 beloved pups.